Gail Kim CAW
Credit: Yugi12
Note: The face still needs work, but it's close.
Hair = Long 5 color custom H,S and B 000
Eye Shape = 10
Iris = 3
Eyebrow = 50 color custom H,S and B 000
Nose = 2
Mouth = Thin Lips 1
Outline = 5
Additions = Rouge 1
Face Figure:
Eyebrow = Translate length -80
Nose = Scale width 5
Mouth = Scale width -25 length -50
Face = Scale width -10 length -8
Outline = Scale width -40
Body Type = 2
Upper Body/Inner = Bra 1 color custom H,S and B 000
Lower Body = Tights/Bikini Tights 1 color custom H,S and B 000
Elbow = Supporter 2 color custom H,S and B 000
Knee = Knee Pad 2 color custom H,S and B 000
Shoes = Boot/Short Boots 3 color 1 custom H,S and B 000
Gear 1 = Glasses/Sunglasses 1 Position Head Translate Y 9 Z 1 / Rotation Y -180 Z 90 / Scale X -10 Y -7.(Optional)
Body Figure:
Head = width 20 depth 20
Neck = width 15 length -50 depth 12
Shoulder = depth 10
Upper Arms = width 10 length -50 depth 10
Fore Arms = width 10 length -50 depth 10
Hand = width 10 length -10 depth 10
Chest = depth -10
Waist = length -50
Abdomen = width -10 length -50 depth -5
Thigh = length -50 depth 5
Calf = width 5 length -50 depth 5
Alternate Outfit Colors:
White = Custom Color B 100
Red = Custom Color S 100 B 50
Blue = Custom Color H 240 S 100 B 50