Post by Ryan on Apr 19, 2004 18:05:27 GMT -5
Name: Ultimo Dragon
Short Name: Delete Default and leave blank.
Nickname: Delete Default and leave blank.
Type: Baby Face.
Eye Shape: 08
Eyelashes: 17
Eyecolor: 12
Eyebrow: Faint 40
Nose: Type 01
Mouth: Normal 01 or thin 01
Outline: 1
Paint/Tattoo: Paint 04
Color 1: Bottom row, 1st color.
Color 2: Bottom row, 15th or 2nd from last color.
Color 3: Bottom row, 15th or 2nd from last color.
Additions: Pattern1
Color 1: Top row, 15th or 2nd from last color.
Color 2: Top row, 15th or 2nd from last color.
Color 3: Top row, 15th or 2nd from last color.
Mask: Base: Type A: Mask 15
Color 1: Bottom row, 14th or 3rd from last color.
Color 2: Bottom row, 14th or 3rd from last color.
Mask: Base: Type B: Mask 01
Color 1: Bottom row, 14th or 3rd from last color.
Color 2: Bottom row, 14th or 3rd from last color.
Logo A: Pattern 45
Color 1: Top row, 3rd color.
Color 2: Bottom row, 3rd from last color.
Color 3: Top row, 3rd color.
Logo B: Pattern 03
Color 1: Top row 3rd color.
Color 2: Top row 3rd color.
Type: Male 01
Color: Top row 2nd from last color.
Upperbody (Inner): Base: Type: Football 02
Color 1: Top row, 3rd from last color.
Color 2: Custom: 000,000,100.
Logo 1: Type: Pattern A 29
Color 1: Top row, 8th color.
Color 2: Custom white that you just made.
Color 3: Custom white that you just made.
Upperbody (Outer): Base: Type: Bra 02 (Trust Me)
Color 1: Custom: 019,061,075.
Logo 1: Type: Pattern A 29
Color 1: Top row, 8th color.
Color 2: Custom white that you just made.
Color 3: Custom white that you just made.
Lowerbody: Base: Type: Long tights 02.
Color 1: Top row, 3rd from last color.
Color 2: Top row, 3rd from last color.
Color 3: Top row, 3rd from last color.
Logo 1: Type: Pattern A 35
Color 1: Costom: 000,000,063. (Again Trust Me)
Logo 2: Type: B 27
Color 1: Top row, 10th color.
Elbow: Left: Type: Suppoter 02
Color 1: Custom: 000,000,000. (Dark Black)
Wrist: Left: Type: Wristband 05
Color 1: Top row, 3rd from last color.
Wrist: Right: Type: Supporter 02
Color 1: Top row, 3rd from last color.
Shoes: Base: Type: Ringshoes 3
Color 1: Custom silver from earlier (000,000,063).
Color 2: Custom silver from earlier (000,000,063).
Gear 1: Base: Accessory: Decoration 03
Position: Head: Translate: X-Axis: 1
Y-Axis: 15
Z-Axis: 3
Rotation: X-Axis: -94
Y-Axis: -180
Z-Axis: -8
Scale: X,Y,Z-Axis: All 0
Gear 2: Base: Accessory: Decoration 01
Position: Head: Translate: X-Axis: 0
Y-Axis: 13
Z-Axis: 12
Rotation: X-Axis: 0
Y-Axis: -180
Z-Axis: 90
Scale: X, Y, Z,-Axis: All 0
Gear 3: Base: Accessory: Decoration 03
Position: Forearm_R: Translate: X-Axis: 3
Y-Axis: -16
Z-Axis: 5
Rotation: X-Axis: 0
Y-Axis: 0
Z-Axis: -96
Scale: X-Axis: -50
Y-Axis: 39
Z-Axis: 49
Gear 4: Base: Accessory: Decoration 03:
Position: Forearm_L: Translate: X-Axis: -3
Y-Axis: 16
Z-Axis: 5
Rotation: X-Axis: 0
Y-Axis: 0
Z-Axis: -76
Scale: X-Axis: -50
Y-Axis: 39
Z-Axis: 49
Logo Maker
Press A on a blank logo to create a new one. once you are there, press R to go to the color palete. Go all the way to the top with the two arrows, and press left untill you see 16/16. Now go down to the seventh color and press A. Now press L twice to go to the cursor to put it on the paint bucket. Now click R and press A to fill the palete that color. Now click L again and put the cursor on the pencil, press R twice and go to the color palete, press A on the second color the go back to the design and go all the way to the top and fill in 11 lines down all the way left to right. Now press R again and go down to thew seventh color and press X twice to make it transparent. Then exit the editor and press A on Completed.
Tattoo: Type: Press R twice untill you see paint tool, find the design you just made and press a on it.
Position: X-Axis: 0
Y-Axis: 31
Rotation: Angle: 0
Scale: X,Y-Axis: Both are 0
Color: Color1: Bottom row 1st color, or
Top row 1st color (Your Choice).
Alternate Color Blue:
Mask: Base: Color A:
Color 1: Bottom row, 4th color
Color 2: Bottom row, 4th color
Mask: Base: Color B:
Color 1: Bottom row, 4th color
Color 2: Bottom row, 4th color
Logo 1:
Color 2: Bottom row, 4th color
Upperbody (Inner):
Football 02
Color 1: Top row, 4th color
Logo 1:
Color 1: Bottom Row, 4th color
Upperbody (Outer):
Logo 1:
Color 1: Top row, 4th color
Color 1: Bottom row, 4th color
Color 2: Bottom row, 4th color
Color 3: Bottom row, 4th color
Wrists: Left:
Color 1: Bottom Row, 4th color
Wrists: Right:
Color 1: Bottom Row, 4th color
Theme Music: Tajiri
Titatrom: Rey Mysterio
Animation: Stage: Taunt 07
Ramp: None
Ring: Chavo
General: Walk 14
Camera: Do it the way you want to, I am still working on it.
Lighting: Intro: Mysterio 1
Go Ramp: Mysterio 2
Fireworks: Gate In: Booker T Gate or Kane Gate (for Kane Gate use it on stage appeal 1)
Options: Center, 5"00, In Gate, Gate, Smackdown
Template: Flying 02 (Edit it as you see fit for now, I am still working on mine.
Other Options:
If you do not want to use the flesk colored Bra for the outer body try playing around to find the corect color or you can change it to the color of the costume. If you strill dont like it try using:
Special Shirt: Cape 09
Color: Custom White
Well I have poured many hours into this caw and so far I think he looks the best out of the ones that I have seen. So if you would please try it and check it out and let me know what you think. If anyone would please take a pic of it when you make it and post it, but dont forget to give credit where credit is due and I will not forget you!
Thank you for your time, Michael Bonnette
A-K-A: TXBadBoy00
Now For the updates if I were you guys I would try them they make Ultimo Dragon look all that much more just like him, so believe me when I say its worth your time!
Mask: Base: Type: Mask 12
Eyes: Eyeshape: 08
Eyelashes: 17
Iris: 03
Nose: Type 1
Nose Figure: Translate: Width: 0
Length: -12
Depth: 0
Scale: Width: 0
Length: 3
Depth: 0
Mouth: Normal 1
Mouth Figure: Scale: Width: 3
Length: -2
Depth: 0
Outline: 1 or 6 ( I chose 1)
Wrinkle: 05
Paint/Tattoo: Paint 07
Color 1: Top row, 2nd from last color.
Color 2: Top row, 3rd color.
Color 3: Top row, 1st color.
Everything else on mask leave the same as you already have what I have listed are only for altercations to his mask!
Body: Type 1 or 3 (Once again I chose one, it looks closest to him to me).
Color: Custom, 032, 057, 034 (for this body color change the bra color to Color: Custom, 021, 060, 065
Now for the new alternate color of his costume:
Head: Mask: Base:
Color A: Custom: 251, 061, 030 (Bluish purple)
Color B: Custom: 251, 061, 030 (Bluish purple)
Logo A:
Color 2: Custom: 252, 061, 040 (Light Bluish Purple)
Upperbody (Inner):
Base: Color:
Color 1: Bluish purple
Logo 1:
Color 1: Bluish Purple
Upperbody (Outer):
Logo 1: Light Bluish Purple
Base: Color:
Color 1, 2, 3: Bluish Purple
ETC: Wrist:
Left: Color
Color 1: Light Bluish Purple.
Right: Color:
Color 2: Light Bluish Purple.
Body: Figure:
Neck: (-15, -45, 15)
Shoulder: (-5, -5, -10)
Upper Arm: (2, -10, -2)
Forearm: (-17, -25, -10)
Hand: (-12, -20, -5)
Chest: (-1, -2, 0)
Waist: (2, -2, 10)
Abdomen: (-2, -5, 0)
Thigh: (0, -5, 5)
Calf: (5, -10, 4)
Foot: (-10, -2, -3)
Entrance: Camera:
Intro: Sub 08
Gate In: Continue
Stage Appeal S: Continue
Stage Appeal 1: Continue
Go Ramp: HD 1 Road 10
Go Arena: Main R 02
Go Ring: Main 02
Ring Appeal S: Triple H Audience Corner
Ring Appeal 1: Main 02
Ring Appeal 2: Continue
Ring Appeal 3: Main 05
Ring Appeal 4: Continue
Ring Appeal 5: Continue
credit: Hacker's Hideout